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2004 - 2005

May 31st, 2005
Prof. Gesine Schwan, President of the European University Viadrina, Frankfurt(Oder)
Bridge to Europe: an Event Celebrating Five Years of the Bucerius Institute
"Mediating Multi-Ethnicity: The Viadrina University on the German-Polish Border"

May 31st, 2005
Raul Teitelbaum: "Personal Restitution to Holocaust Survivors and the Stratification of Israeli Society"


May 24th, 2005
Julia Berenstein, Faculty of Soziology, Goethe University Frankfurt/M: "Identity Construction Among Immigrants from the Former Soviet Union to Israel and Germany Through Food Practices"


May 24th, 2005
Julia Berenstein, Faculty of Soziology, Goethe University Frankfurt/M: "Identity Construction Among Immigrants from the Former Soviet Union to Israel and Germany Through Food Practices"

May 17th, 2005
Prof. Ulrich Bielefeld, Hamburg Institute of Social Research: "Antisemitism and Racism: Before and After the Reunion"


May 10th, 2005
Prof. Neima Barzel, Oranim College: "Israeli Society and the German Payments"


April 5th, 2005
Prof. Michael Brenner , Chair for Jewish History and Culture, University of Munich: "Jews in Post-War Germany"


March 15th, 2005
Prof. Michael Graetz , Rector of the College of Jewish Studies, Heidelberg University: "The Jewish Studies in Germany after 1945"


December 7th, 2004
Prof. Dr. Inge Marszolek, University of Bremen
Moderator: Prof. Yosi Ben Artzi, Rector of the University of Haifa
Bucerius Institute Research Seminar:
"Propaganda as social practice. A new approach to propaganda in the Third Reich"


November 23rd, 2004
Dr. Omar Kamil, Simon-Dubnow Institute for Jewish History and Culture, Leipzig
Bucerius Institute Research Seminar:
"The Arabs and the Holocaust: An Epistemological Scrutinization"


November  9th, 2004
Dr. Omar Kamil, Simon-Dubnow Institute for Jewish History and Culture, Leipzig
Seminar of Department of Middle Eastern History
"Secularisation Is The Solution" Some Thoughts Around A Contemporary Arab Debate


Bucerius Institute for Contemporary German History and Society
Education Building, Room 645, University of Haifa, Mount Carmel, Haifa, Israel 31905
Phone: +972 4 828 8232/3 | Fax: +972 4 828 8282

Web site designed by: Eden Orion and Shani Zylberman, Computing and Information systems Division